Know About Ants Vs. Termite

Ants and termites both are very common pests that infest the home. Both these cause huge destruction. All over the world, both these pests cause billions of damage. Many people make mistakes in identifying these nasty pests. Both these pests are believed to spread their species in different areas. So, if you notice any winged pest in your home it is very important that you do a termite inspection.

termite inspection
termite inspection

Distinguishing traits of termites or ants

  1. Termites that swarm are pale in color. And, if we say about ants then, they have a mixed body color including black, red, or brown.
  2. Swarming termites or flying ants both have two wings. So, how do you differentiate? Well, termites’ wings are equal in length whereas an ant’s body is very recognizable.
  3. Like ants, termites also have three body segments. But, their waist is not thin like ants.
  4. Ants have bent antennae whereas termites have straightened antennae in their body.


Ants and termites are both pests that invade the home for different things or purposes. Pest inspection can help you to identify as well as know their motives to invade your home.

  • Carpenter ants create their home by chewing the galleries. They generally start with damped or damaged wood and then, they slowly spread to enlarge their colony. But, their main motive for invasion is not the wood rather it’s the food sources that make them invade your home. So, for ant control keep food sources away or sealed.
  • Whereas termites’ main motive for invasion is to eat wood. Their main food source is wood and that’s what makes it more difficult to find termite infestation. For the sake of your property, you should do termites inspection in your home frequently.


If you are noticing wings in your home or your window corners, then, that’s a sign that you have termites or ants in your home. But, now the main thing comes. You have to identify which one of these pests has taken over your home and for that, you need to termite inspection your home. Termites inspection is not a tough job, you can easily do it on your own. If your schedule is not allowing time for the termite inspection, then, you can hire experts for inspection.

There is a drawback of DIY termite inspection too. You are not the experts and even if you find out about the infestation, still you will not be able to check how it is spread in your home. For termite inspection, you should call pest control experts only, many companies don’t charge for inspection, so get it done.

If you will not do anything for a termite inspection, then, you might end up spending all your savings on repairing. Termite inspection once every three months will be enough, it will help you to save your property from disastrous pests like termites or ants.


Subsequently, we have concluded this article with informative things related to ants or termites that you needed to know. Follow the article and understand the difference between ants and termites.

5 easy ways to stop bees and wasps from spoiling your spring

Apart from distinct nesting choices, the critical distinction between wasps and bees is that bees provide pollen to their larvae. Whereas wasps which include yellow jackets and hornets feed insects to theirs. That implies wasps are beneficial to have in the garden since they control a wide range of pests. 

How to Remove a Wasp Nest 

Many farmers even need them to safeguard their harvests. Wasps may pollinate vegetation, but not to a similar extent as bees, despite popular assumptions. 

Regardless of how beneficial wasps are to your yard. They can still sting and induce an allergic reaction.

It is time to take action before they establish a nest that is a little too near for comfort beneath your roof of the house or even inside your home. Try either of these five ways to stop bees and wasps:

Tips To Keep Wasps And Bees At Bay

Clove-Geranium-Lemongrass Oil Blend

According to research, it was discovered that the combined action of clove, lemongrass and geranium essential oils effectively repel the wasps. One can mix this oil with water and dishwashing soap and spray it all around your home. You can spray it on the places like porch roofs, under eaves, crevices and ledges. As covering all the area with this mixture is not possible. Therefore spray the essential oil to the parts where the probability of finding the wasp nest is higher. This is one of the most effective ways to stop bees and wasps population.

Wasp Traps

Wasp baits function by attracting wasps into a vessel with a sweet treat, such as glucose solution, and then keeping them from fleeing. You can build one within five minutes by making a small hole in the ceiling of a two-litre container and flipping it inside the bottom, or by cutting the top off a two-litre bottle and reversing it within the bottom. 

If you do not want to go the Diy approach, you may buy a much more massive trap online. Glass wasp traps that appear like terrace decor are also available. Traps, on the other hand, are unlikely to totally address your issue because they may capture wasps flying over your lawn rather than those developing a problem nest. If you are going to use a trap, try to track down the nest and set it up right at the entrance.

Seal All The Cracks

Ways to stop bees and wasps actions are essential if you just want to prevent bees out of your home. We advise fixing gaps in screen doors and sealing small cracks at the borders of roofing and where power cables enter the building. Late fall, after most worker bees, has fallen off, or early spring, when nests get active, are the optimum times to do this. 

If you do find wasps inside your home, do not attempt to cover the nest within the wall and hope they will die out on their own. They will get out via the vents or gnaw through walls.

Cover All The Dustbins

Wasp difficulties are more common in yards with a variety of food resources, such as uncovered waste, trash cans, and decomposing food. If your compost bin is generating problems. Ensure the lids of your waste bins are properly sealed, and try composting inside. In addition to that, it also prevents the spread of diseases. Since dust can contain a lot of garbage with multiple growths of germs. 

Salt Mixed With Water

Small hanging nests can be tackled using a combination of roughly two tablespoons of liquid detergent in a spray bottle full of water. The soap blocks their respiratory pores (known as spiracles), and they die quite immediately. But one should make sure that you are cleaning the place after spraying. As the dead bees can welcome many bacterias. Thereby contaminating the entire place. 

Appoint us To Eradicate The Wasp From Your Area Effectively

Wasps and bees can be very harmful when they attack. Their sting can cause severe pain and rashes. So if you have a wasp or a bee invasion. However, there are many ways to stop bees and wasps from invading. But do reach Pest Control Epping for assistance. We have a group of professionals that will aid you to get rid of wasps effectively. The main advantage of hiring a pro is that we have complete guidance to handle the bees and wasps. Moreover, we are well aware of their behaviours. So dealing with them becomes easier without risk. In addition to that, we even have safety suits as a preventive measure. So hire our local pest control expert immediately to get our help. You can book us by calling 03 4050 7720. Hence do not miss a chance. Since we offer low-cost bee removal services. 

There are a lot more advantages to hiring us. As we make sure to apply only environmentally friendly solutions. So that we are not harming our environment. Thus pick us your phone and contact us immediately.